
Beaphar topelttoimega putukatõrjevahend koduseks kasutamiseks / 400ml

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Kirpude ja nende noorvormide tõrjeks mööblil, vaipadel, loomade asemetel, põrandal jne. Täiskasvanud kirbud surevad kokkupuutel vahendigakoheselt, noorvormide areng peatub. vahend toimib ka puukide, lestade, täide, väivide, sipelgate jne vastu.

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Brand Beaphar
Stock code OP110391
Color Mix
EAN 8711231110391


Beaphar putukatõrjevahend koduseks kasutamiseks.


Total Ungeziefer Spray (Total Insecticide spray) is a vaporizer for use in the surroundings of pets, when these areas are infected with insects (fleas, ticks, ants, fleas, cockroaches, flies etc.). Kills insects at any growth stage and protects from reinfection during 6 months. One bottle is enough for area approx. 30-40 square meters. 

Directions for use: Shake the aerosol thoroughly before use. Spray the areas at a distance of 40-50 cm. After application take care for good ventilation of the room.